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Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Connect Galaxy Y To Pc For Internet

 There are many procedures to connect Samsung Galaxy Y to PC for internet connection 
but many people find it quite difficult to connect it. Don't worry guys ,
 you can use your galaxy y as modem too which can give u 3G modem speed.
 But using this phone as a modem is different than the other dial up phones.
 Galaxy Y does not support dial up mode . you can use internet on your pc 
for onnecting your galaxy y to your pc
things you have to to is gien below
STEP.1 - Download Samsung KIES Software
STEP.2 - Install It On Pc
STEP.3 - Connect your Phone To Pc
STEP.4 - Go To Settings >>Wireless and networks>>Tethering and Porteble hotspots>>USB Tethering
STEP.5 - Check The Box USB Tethering
STEP.6 - Now open Your Pc browser  and ENJOY....

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