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Friday, 5 July 2013

Samsung Galaxy Y GT-5360 Tricks And Tips

(1). Dial contacts with a quick swipe
Instead of tapping on the contact
name and then tapping on the
option to dial, you can simply swipe
right with your finger on the
contact's name and it will directly
call him/her. By swiping left, you
can quickly send a message to the

(2) How to hide particular files from
showing up in Gallery or Music
Sometimes there are things that we
do not want our friends or relatives
seeing while they are using our
phone. Most of the times a friend/
relative would be interested to check
your songs or what kind of content
you have in your gallery.
So instead of deleting the particular
files or moving them to your
computer all of the time, you can
hide them in just a few seconds.
All you need to do is create a folder
called .nomedia wherever you want
on your sdcard (you can do this from
your phone by selecting Menu
button -> Create Folder), then put
the particular files on that folder
and the files will not appear in
media apps.
You can also press the Menu key on
your phone, then choose More -> go
to Settings and untick the "Show
hidden files" option if it is enabled.
That way you will hide the .nomedia
folder from the My Files app aswell.
(3) Take screenshots on
Galaxy Y
Taking screenshots on galaxy
isn’t difficult. To take
screenshots you have to first
hold down the menu key and
then press the power/lock key
immediately. Don’t hold the
menu key too long otherwise
lock button will not work.
(4).How to make galaxy
y run faster.
Galaxy y has 290 MB RAM and
832 MHz processor, but
sometime you will find lack
of memory due to various
applications running in
background. These apps
waste android system
memory. So you should clear
them off if they are not used.
You can clear them by using
task manager like advance
task killer, memory clear,
easy task clear and many
other apps which are easily
available on google play.Also
galaxy y has it’s built in task
killer which do this work for
you. Open task manager then
move on to the RAM tab then
click clear memory. It will
free off the RAM and save

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